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Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

2017 Annual Conference on Independent Living: Call for Workshop Proposals

Revolution - A Global Independent Living Movement - Annual Conference on Independent Living 2017. Graphic: Continents have been added to NCIL's logo (a blue semi-circle), which forms a globe. A red heart sits between the end points of the semi-circle.

July 24 – 27, 2017; Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC

Submit a workshop proposal

NCIL’s Annual Conference draws individuals of all ages and disabilities from all 50 states – and around the globe. In recent years, the NCIL conference has hosted over 1,500 individuals, including grassroots advocates, CIL and SILC leadership, and representatives from other major organizations that work for justice and equity for people with disabilities. In 2017, we will nurture our global power with a call to Independent Living advocates from around the world to join us in Washington. We will come together to tackle the barriers we all face – whether unique to our countries or universal among us.

The Independent Living Movement is growing rapidly. People with disabilities are spreading the message of power and independence as new Centers for Independent Living spring up everywhere: the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Pakistan, Nepal, Cambodia, Taiwan, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and elsewhere. The advocates in these nations are making plans to join us for an unprecedented global IL Summit during NCIL’s conference.

We face our own challenges here in the US and we will address them during our conference like any other year. But we must make time to share and learn from one another. To wit, it’s nothing more than a little international peer support. And as with peer support, we all have something to learn from one another. While the movement began in the US, some of our international colleagues enjoy political support or benefit programs that we can only dream of in the US.

So while we all continue our important work, let’s come together to celebrate our highest achievements and share solutions and support for those areas where we struggle most. This year’s conference theme is Revolution: The Global Independent Living Movement. Whether the turn of the globe, or changing political seasons, we cannot retreat or turn back time, but we can organize, mobilize, and communicate our power. This year we will meet in Washington to address our local concerns, build our international connections, and prepare for a global IL Movement. 

It is with these goals in mind that the National Council on Independent Living seeks workshops for our 2017 Annual Conference in the following tracks:

  • International Track: Workshops related to understanding and supporting international development of the Independent Living Movement.
  • Youth Track: Workshops related to youth leadership, outreach, and movement building.
  • WIOA / Core-Services Track: Workshops addressing WIOA, ILA, and / or sharing innovation and best practices in the core services of Centers for Independent Living.
  • SILC Track: Workshops covering best practices and innovation in operations and programs of Statewide Independent Living Councils.
  • General Track: Workshops for staff, consumers, and other advocates in the Independent Living Movement that do not fit the other four categories.

In addition to these priorities, NCIL’s Annual Conference Subcommittee encourages conference workshops that seek to improve the skills and resources of staff to carry out the core services of CILs and operate strong SILCs.

  • Please see NCIL’s Important Information for Presenters for further details before planning your proposal. Presenters and facilitators are not exempt from registration fees. Presenters must register and pay for all days they plan to attend; presenters that attend only their session and no other events do not need to pay.
  • Deadline for Submission is Friday, January 27, 2017. No proposals will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
  • Word and plain text proposal forms are available for those who are unable to complete the online form.