the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Action Alert: CILs & SILCs – Share Your Experiences with ACL’s Guidance on DSEs

This summer, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) issued sub-regulatory guidance related to state designations. The issued guidance took power away from SILCs and CILs by giving the Designated State Entity (DSE) power to approve what is included in the SPIL. According to the law, the DSE’s signature on the SPIL should be required to indicate their agreement to fulfill their duties – not their agreement with the content of the plan.

NCIL and APRIL leadership will be meeting with Kathy Greenlee, Administrator of ACL, next week to discuss our concerns regarding implementation of WIOA and its impact on SILCs and the development of state plans. We are asking that you take a few moments to share your experiences with us by completing our survey, so that we can report those back to Administrator Greenlee. The experiences you’ve had in your state will help us to identify the most important areas of concern to discuss at this meeting.

Please complete the survey online if you are able. The survey can also be submitted via email by using the Word or plain text formats.