the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Action Alert: The Fiscal Cliff and CILs

People Over Profit 2011 protest signCenters for Independent Living (CILs) from across the country are growing concerned and looking for guidance about how the impending “fiscal cliff” will affect funding for CILs. The National Council on Independent Living has remained in contact with the Appropriations Committees in Congress, the Department of Education, and OMB regarding this matter, and here is what you need to know:

  • The law states that if a deal is not reached between Congress and the White House, sequestration and its contained cuts to spending could happen as early as January 2, 2013. However, the exact date that Centers could be affected remains unclear due to the nature of how the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) could implement the sequestration.
  • Part C Funds: If sequestration happens, Centers across the United States could see a cut in funding of 8.2%, or approximately $6.5 million. It is important to note that CILs are currently spending Part C funds that have already been appropriated, and the fiscal cliff would not affect any Part C funding until October 2013 at the earliest.

  • Part B Funds: If sequestration happens, Centers across the United States could see a cut in funding of 8.2%, or approximately $1.9 million. These funds could be affected as early as January 2, 2013.

NCIL is urging our members to focus on current negotiations and decisions being made by Congress and the Administration, which could have meaningful consequences for Americans with disabilities. We want our members to remind Speaker Boehner and President Obama that solving problems at the expense of people with disabilities is not the answer, and things like Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and other services enabling independent living must be protected. Most of all, urge them to preserve funds for the Independent Living Program within the Department of Education. Independent Living actually saves the government millions of dollars every year while improving quality of life for Americans with disabilities.

Call President Obama: (202) 456-1111

Call Speaker Boehner: (202) 225-0600

NCIL will continue to monitor the fiscal situation in Washington, and will keep our members updated about any new developments affecting IL funding across the United States.


  1. Douglas Poole says

    It is very important to watch Speaker Boehner.