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Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

An Update from the NCIL Rehabilitation Act Subcommittee

Now that the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) has passed and the Independent Living Administration (ILA) is in the process of being created within Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the NCIL Rehab Subcommittee has been reviewing the legislation and making recommendations to ACL. We have also developed a training session on changes to WIOA for the NCIL Pre-Conference on July 26, 2015.

NCIL Pre-Conference Session: “ILA: Where We Are & Where We Are Going”

The NCIL WIOA Task Force will be holding a Pre-Conference session at the NCIL Annual Conference in July.

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent LivingThe purpose of this session is to help participants, particularly young leaders, understand the changes and opportunities WIOA holds for the future of the Independent Living Movement and to motivate young people to help shape that future and carry on the legacy of IL. Topics at this session include:

  • The changes to independent living included in WIOA
  • The opportunities available to future leaders on the State and Federal level
  • The status of the transition to ACL
  • Who the key players are at ACL
  • What processes are now in place and what processes are still being developed
  • The status and of the development of regulations and their opportunities for input and comments
  • Reporting and how Outcome Measures fit in

Letter to RSA and ACL regarding DSU / DSE retaliatory actions against States

On April 27, 2015, the NCIL Rehabilitation Act and Independent Living Funding Subcommittee sent a letter to RSA Commissioner Janet La Breck and ACL Assistant Secretary Kathy Greenlee requesting a joint statement reminding Designated State Units (DSUs) and / or Designated State Entities (DSEs) of the appropriate interpretation of WIOA.

It has come to NCIL’s attention that some states are facing retaliation from their state agencies over the successful passage of WIOA. These DSUs are making the decision on which state agency should be the new DSE, even though WIOA clearly states that “the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) shall designate the State Entity”. In some states DSUs are threatening to reduce 110 funds (Innovation & Expansion) in spite of the fact it is mandated by law that the state must reserve and use a portion of the funds allotted to the state.

To date, we have not received a reply from the RSA Commissioner or the ACL Assistant Secretary.

SILC Standards and Indicators

Additionally, WIOA requires development of Standards and Indicators for Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs) within one year of enactment of the law. The Rehab Committee, in collaboration with SILC Congress, has developed recommendations for Standards and Indicators. These recommendations have been sent to the Administration for Community Living.

To view NCIL recommendations for Rules and Regulations on Title VII, WIOA, go to: