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Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

An Update from the Research & Training Center on Independent Living at the University of Kansas

The following article gives some background on how the Research & Training Center on Independent Living at the University of Kansas uses external advisors from Centers for Independent Living to keep their research relevant.

Ron Garcia: Advisor Profile

Ron Garcia with Students at RTC ILRon Garcia values curiosity, and he put his own to full use when he visited the Research and Training Center on Independent Living for two days in January.

Garcia is a member of the Scientific and Consumer Advisory Panel (SCAP) for the Center. These external advisors contribute their expertise and experience to help keep the Center’s research both rigorous and relevant to the lives of people with disabilities.

Garcia is one of the “consumer” advisors, representing the perspective of people with disabilities, who are consumers of services, especially services provided by centers for independent living (CILs). CILs advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and provide them with support services and training programs that help them lead self-sufficient and productive lives.

As Executive Director of New Vistas Center for Independent Living in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Garcia had two goals for his visit: “To learn how I can support KU’s center in its work, and to learn how this center’s work has applications on the ground level – to make a difference in the lives of the people we serve.” He met with research staff and graduate students to discuss their projects and goals. [Read more at…]