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Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Call for Proposals: AIRS 2018 I&R Training and Education Conference

The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) has released the call for proposals for the 2018 Annual Information and Referral (I&R) Training and Education Conference. This 40th annual I&R conference is being held in Dallas, Texas, June 3-6, 2018. AIRS is seeking workshops addressing the breadth of I&R service delivery.

The Aging and Disability conference track offers a unique opportunity to share developments and effective practices in serving older adults, persons with disabilities, and caregivers with I&R/A colleagues across the country. This track is coordinated by NASUAD’s I&R Support Center, which strongly encourages aging and disability I&R agencies of all types to review the call for proposals and consider a submission. The deadline for proposal submissions is February 16, 2018

See aging and disability presentation topics from past years. For the current call for proposals, visit the AIRS website. Topics such as: family caregiving, addressing needs related to dementia, behavioral health, serving consumers with disabilities, social determinants of health, cross-sector partnerships and collaboration (including ADRC and 2-1-1 partnerships), business acumen, partnering with health care entities, Medicare and Medicaid-related topics, disaster-related I&R/A services, ADRC and No Wrong Door system initiatives, financial sustainability, use of new technologies in I&R, transportation, housing, data sharing, and quality assurance are all examples of topics of interest in aging and disability I&R. We invite you to share your experiences with your peers!

Send submissions for the Aging and Disability track to Nanette Relave at [email protected]. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions about the Aging and Disability track, or to discuss a potential workshop topic. We hope you will plan to join us in Dallas!

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