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Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

DOJ Rescinding Guidance on ADA: An Update from the NCIL ADA / Civil Rights Subcommittee

Late in December, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) would rescind and remove more than two dozen guidance from the department websites. This process has begun and unfortunately we expect more guidance to be removed.

“Among the 25 revoked documents are a number of ADA-related items dating as far back as 1995 offering guidance on everything from service animals to accessible building practices as well as a 2016 letter on employment of people with disabilities.

Sessions called the revoked documents ‘improper or unnecessary’ and said they were outdated or went beyond what the law called for.” (Disability Scoop)

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent LivingAs soon as word was received this was happening, the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Rights Task Force worked on a letter expressing concern (PDF), which 236 organizations signed on to. NCIL was one of the signatories and regularly participates along with CCD and other advocates in Washington. Share this letter with your representatives!

A meeting was set with CCD and the DOJ Office for Civil Rights, which was held earlier this month. Basically, the feeling was DOJ staff said thanks for coming, and not much more. A meeting will be held in the near future to consider next steps.

This is not exclusive to DOJ in the current Administration. Documents have been rescinded at the Department of Housing & Urban Development and the Department of Transportation as the Administration seeks to roll back our rights.

Let’s unite and continue pushing for our rights!


  1. Howard Cornwall says

    I would like to know what documents are being removed, I have used these guidelines many times
    I could understand removing some that new regulations are more stringent, I believe before any are removed they should post the documents they are considering. Many might be older but still applicable