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Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Employment Policy and Practice: The Challenge for NCIL’s Next Generation

The Center on Economic Growth (CEG) at the World Institute on Disability (WID), in partnership with PolicyWorks, respectfully invite all NCIL members to come to the July 23rd NCIL Employment Preconference Event:

Employment Policy and Practice: The Challenge for NCIL’s Next Generation

Many disability policy thought-leaders across the country agree that the Social Security disability programs remain the single most powerful deterrent to the productivity and economic well being of Americans with disabilities.

The Preconference will focus on the challenges and success factors in the transition and employment process, including current SSA policy reform options and “pockets of excellence” field practices that are currently successful. Three Preconference 90-minute sessions on July 23rd begin at 10:30am and conclude at 4:15pm.

Most of the session presenters, facilitators, and reporters are NCIL youth members. In addition, key legislative analysts from the House and Senate will be present to dialog with NCIL participants. 

Make plans to include this event in your NCIL Conference!


After decades of research and false starts at structural reform, a focus has emerged to replace federal disability policy on disability benefits with new programs commensurate with our expectations that we be productive and engaged in self-managing careers, backed by consistent and more-efficiently-run disability services.

Cornell University has found that in 2011, 33.4% of working-age (21-64) people with disabilities were employed compared with the 75.6% of people without disabilities. Further, 27.8 % of working-age Americans with disabilities lived in poverty, compared to 12.4% of those without disabilities. The employment status of youth with disabilities is alarming. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that fewer than 25% of youth with disabilities aged 20-24 have jobs, compared with 62.5% of nondisabled youth.

Be part of the solution: make plans to come to NCIL’s July 23rd Employment Preconference.