the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

NCIL Statement on Passage of the Tax Bill

The National Council on Independent Living strongly condemns the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. We are appalled that the GOP-led Congress has passed a bill that so blatantly puts the interests of wealthy people and big corporations ahead of their own constituents. Despite fierce opposition from people with disabilities, the general public, and members of their own party, the GOP chose to pass a bill that puts the lives, health, and livelihoods of millions of people across the country at risk.

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent LivingAs a result of this tax bill, 13 million people fewer people will be insured, and those who can keep their insurance will see their premiums skyrocket. Because of the increase of over $1 trillion to the federal deficit, PAYGO will be triggered, resulting in cuts to vital programs like Medicare, Vocational Rehabilitation, and many others. And while Congressional action to waive PAYGO has been considered, it is not in any way guaranteed. Moreover, the huge increase to the deficit eliminates much-needed funding for programs people with disabilities rely on, and we can expect to see proposals for cuts to Medicaid, Social Security, housing, education, and more. As we’ve known all along, the passage of this bill is a major threat to disabled people.

We’ve also known that this bill is just the first part of a larger plan. GOP leadership has already said that next in their crosshairs are entitlements (including Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security), and with that, they’ve made it abundantly clear that they’re going to continue pursuing an agenda that will further marginalize people with disabilities, other minorities, and poor people. Their goals are dangerous, their actions are shameful, and we will not let them accomplish this without a fight.

NCIL is grateful to every single advocate who took action on this bill. We cannot forget the many important wins we have had this year. Our community is strong. We have shown the world that we are a force to be reckoned with, and that we will not be silent when they threaten our rights and our lives. Take a breath, take care of yourselves and each other, and start organizing so we will be ready to fight off the next attack. There is nothing greater than being in solidarity with you all as we continue to fight beside you.


  1. I’m trying not to be Overwhelmed By all These Cuts Let Continue To Unite; Advocate Our Community Will Continue To bear Hardship With Services These Difficult Lifetime Situations Should not be unmeasured.