the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

We Want to Learn More About Your Advocacy Strategies!

Dear Advocates,

We are conducting a survey to learn more about advocacy approaches you or your Center has used in working with individuals with disabilities or with systems change. We plan to use the information you provide in this short, 18 question survey to help update the Action Letter Portfolio, which is a training tool to help CIL staff and disability advocates write effective advocacy letters. We value your participation and information, and would like to provide you access to the updated advocacy letter writing product once the research project is completed. We greatly appreciate it if you can take some time to complete the survey, and if you would share this survey invitation with your co-workers.

This study has been approved by the Kansas University Lawrence IRB (#STUDY00002960).


Alice Zhang and Glen White

Research and Training Center on Independent Living at the University of Kansas